35th Infantry Division Memory

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3 February 1945

SUBJECT: Report After Action Against Enemy


TO : The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C.

Thru: Command Channels.


1. In compliance with the provisions of Par 10 C3, AR 345-105, submitted below is report after action against the enemy for the 320th Infantry covering the period 1-31 January 1945.

January 1, 1945: The 320th Infantry maintained it’s positions facing north against the German positions in the town of Harlange, Luxembourg and the woods to the east. The Regiment had attacked northward across the Sure River on December 27, 1944 and had advanced against increasing enemy resistance to its present positions. On December 31, the Regiment had largely maintained its positions making small gains and preparing defenses against a threatened counterattack from north of Harlange. During the day the Regiment (minus 1st Battalion attached to 137th Infantry) occupied positions as follows: Second Battalion occupied north portion of woods at 6049, Companies F and G on the line and Company E disposed in depth to the rear as a reserve and with added mission of protection Battalion left flank. The Third Battalion was disposed as follows: Company I southeast of Farm Fuhrman, vicinity of 615489, Company L at 618491 to 620493, Company K south of clearing at 634488. The attacks of the Regiment were held to small local gains because of fierce enemy resistance. Supporting fires were given by the 216th F.A. Battalion, the 219th F.A. Battalion, the 179th F.A. Battalion, the 3rd Chemical Battalion and the Regiment’s own Cannon Company. Most supporting fires were directed against enemy infantry and dug-in machine gun positions, and against towns to the north from which the enemy operated.

January 2, 1945: Companies F and G continued to clear the woods near their positions then advanced east and secured the road leading from Farm Fuhrman south to Flebour. The Third Battalion also attacked and made some gains. First Battalion remained attached to 137th Infantry. January 3, 1945: Both Battalions again attacked during the day and made gains in heavy fighting. The Second Battalion repelled two counter-attacks. At the end of the day, Companies K and L occupied new positions from which they had driven the enemy. The 216th F.A. fired 2538 rounds in support of the day’s activities. The First Battalion remained attached to the 137th Infantry. Company C, 735th Tank Battalion (9 tanks and one SP 105 operational) was attached to the Regiment but did not arrive in time for use during the day.

January 4, 1945: Fog limited visibility and the heavy snow hampered the mobility of the tanks so that the attack of the Second Battalion on this day did not jump off until 0800. The Third Battalion moved at 0630 to gain enemy positions before daylight and made substantial gains, clearing heavily wooded areas of the enemy after heavy fighting. The Second Battalion, with tank support, captured Fuhrman farm and cleared the enemy from the woods North of the farm and East of Harlange. They then seized four buildings east of Harlange. Late in the day the supporting tanks withdrew and a counter-attack, supported by enemy tanks, forced the Second Battalion to withdraw from these buildings. During the day, the Third Battalion overran 10 machine-gun positions and 1 mortar position, captured 88 PW’s and killed approximately 100. The final positions at the end of the day extended from 618494 to 620496. Visibility throughout the period was extremely limited.

January 5, 1945: At 0830 the Second Battalion repelled an enemy counter-attack supported by tanks and half-tracks. The enemy reformed and, supported by more infantry, again attacked and forced a withdrawal of the Second Battalion of about 100 yards into the woods in order to defend against the tanks which could not enter the woods. Heavy fighting also continued in the sector of the Third Battalion. Local gains were scored in the sector and prisoners taken. The First Battalion was relieved from attachment to 137th Infantry and attached to the 134th Infantry.

January 6, 1945: Heavy shelling and fighting continued in the Regimental sector. At 2255 the First Battalion of the 101st Infantry arrived and began effecting the relief of the Third Battalion. The Third Battalion then assembled in Baschleiden preparatory to moving by motor to Bastogne, Belgium to join CCB of the 6th Armored Division. The Second Battalion continued to hold its positions and the First Battalion remained attached to the 134th Infantry.

January 7, 1945: The relief of the Third Battalion was completed by 0715. Message from Division Headquarters stated that upon completion of the relief of the 320th Infantry, the C.T. would cease. At the end of the day the Second Battalion continued to hold its positions southeast and east of Harlange and was prepared for relief. The First Battalion remained attached to the 134th Infantry. The Third Battalion, attached to CCB of the 6th Armored Division, was assembled in Bastogne, Belgium.

January 8, 1945: The relief of the Second Battalion by Troop A of the 6th Cavalry Group and elements of the 101st Infantry, was completed by 0230 and by 0940 the relief of all special units of the 320th Infantry, had been completed and Colonel Scott, C.O. of the 101st Infantry, had assumed full responsibility for the sector. The Second Battalion and the special units assembled in vicinity of Baschleiden and were alerted to move to new assembly area. The Regimental C.P. displaced from Boulaide to Martelange, distance of 8 7/10 miles, closing in to new area at 1750. Regimental Hq Company, Anti-tank Company, and Service Company now in assembly area at Martelange and Bigonville. The First Battalion remained attached to 134th Infantry. The Third Battalion attached to CCB of the 6th Armored Division in vicinity of Bastogne. Second Battalion and Cannon Company attached to CCA of the 6th Armored Division.

January 9, 1945: Field Order No. 2 from Hq., 6th Armored Division directing that the Battalions of the 320th Infantry be reinforced by anti-tank guns, was delivered at 1115. The order also showed the composition of the different task forces which elements of the 320th Infantry now helped to form. The battalions remained attached as follows: First Battalion to 134th Infantry; Second Battalion and Cannon Company to CCA of the 6th Armored Division; Third Battalion to CCB of the 6th Armored Division; Headquarters Company, Service Company and Anti-tank Company remained in assembly area in Martelange and Bigonville.

January 10, 1945: Effective at 2400, the Second Battalion and Cannon Company were relieved from attachment to CCA of the 6th Armored Division and attached to the 134th Infantry Regiment. Disposition of the other units unchanged.

January 11, 1945: The Regimental C.P. closed in new area at 1600 after displacement of 10 miles from Martelange to Lasauge Chateau. The Regiment was informed by Division that First Battalion, Second Battalion and Cannon Company were to revert to its control and to be prepared to attack to the east on left of Division sector. At 1730 information received from Division that plans had been changed. Dispositions of the Battalions unchanged from previous day. Regimental C.P. located at Lasauge Chateau (555516). Medical Detachment and Anti-tank Company at Martelange, and Service Company at Bigonville.

January 12, 1945: At 1320 the entire 320th Infantry Regiment was attached to the 6th Armored Division. The First Battalion, Second Battalion and Cannon Company relieved from attachment to 134th Infantry effective at 1300. At 1610 the C.P. displaced from 555516 to 557565 in vicinity of Bastogne, a distance of 3-1/2 miles. At 1815 the Second Battalion had closed into an assembly area at Marvie. The Third Battalion occupied a line extending from 590610 to 589604. The First Battalion assembled in northeast portion of Bastogne. All units prepared to attack at 0830 January 13, pursuant to fragmentary order issued at 2000 January 12. Attached to the 320th Infantry for the operation were the following units: 68th Tank Battalion with 21 operational medium tanks, Co. C 603rd T.D. Battalion (-1 platoon), Troop A 86th Cavalry Squadron (mecz), 212th Armored F.A. Battalion (until relieved by 216th F.A. Battalion), 216th F.A. Battalion, the 776th F.A. Battalion (medium, to reinforce fires of the 212th and 216th F.A. Battalions).

January 13, 1945: The Third Battalion attacked against stubborn enemy resistance from both infantry and armor. Two platoons succeeded in reaching north edge of the objective, a woods at 602602. They were forced to withdraw by opposition from enemy tanks, one SP gun and infantry. Supporting tanks were unable to press their attack since they were destroyed by enemy fire as each approached an effective assault position. CO of supporting tanks was killed at this point, which disrupted support of our armor. By darkness a favorable position was secured with the help of the 502nd A.B. Regiment. The occupied positions of the Third Battalion were from 597607 to 589597; the First Battalion 589610 to 588604. Second Battalion remained in 6th Armored Division reserve in Marvie. No change in attachments of supporting units. 320th Infantry remained attached to 6th Armored Division.

January 14, 1945: After an air strike on woods at 602602 which ended at 0925 hours the First and Third Battalions attacked at 1330 and the objective was secured by 1430. Second Battalion moved to new assembly area at 589605. The regiment remained attached to 6th Armored Division.

January 15, 1945: The First Battalion attacked before dawn, advancing over one mile of open ground and closing with the enemy in the town of Oubourcy. By nightfall the town was completely cleared with 157 prisoners taken, including 7 officers. Second Battalion attacked to the left of the First Battalion and drove the enemy from the quarry and the woods to the West of Oubourcy. Third Battalion also advanced on the right. No change in attachments.

January 16, 1945: First and Second Battalions after an artillery preparation attacked the town of Michamps. At 1013 we were in control of the town after overcoming slight resistance during which prisoners were taken. At 1145 the First and Second Battalions attacked the woods at 620620 with tank support and advanced against moderate resistance. Just prior to this attack friendly aircraft bombed Michamp with some disruptive effect on our troops. Message from Division notified the regiment to be prepared for relief by the 134th Infantry. First and Second Battalions consolidated positions at 630631, 630626 and 628626 to 629624. Third Battalion in reserve in Michamps. Regiment in contact with 502nd Airborne Regiment on the left and CCB of 6th Armored Division on the right. No change in attachments.

January 17, 1945: First and Second Battalions again attacked the enemy positions and gained positions dominating the Bourcy-Longvilly road, Second Battalion crossing the road. Third Battalion remained in regimental reserve in Michamps. No change in attachments. All units alerted for relief by 134th Infantry.

January 18, 1945: Second Battalion relief completed at 0910, Third Battalion at 0925 and First Battalion at 0940. At 1000 Regimental CP displaced from 575592 to town of Sainlez, a distance of 7 7/10 miles. All elements of regiment closed into new assembly area by 1400: First Battalion at Houllange and Chaumont, Second Battalion at Salvacourt, Hompre and Grand-Rue; Third Battalion at Remerville and Clochemont; Anti-tank Company at CR (558565); Headquarters Company, Cannon Company and Medical Detachment at Sainlez; Service Company at Hompre.

January 19, 1945: At 0945 leading elements of the 320th Infantry crossed IP at CR (539451) en route to Metz, France. All elements had closed into new assembly area in Metz by 1905. CT ceased at that time. Distance of displacement 79 1/10 miles. January 20, 1945: 320th Infantry Regiment remained in assembly area in Metz, France and conducted rehabilitation and training program.

January 21, 1945: No change from previous day.

January 22, 1945: 320th Infantry remained in assembly area in Metz, France, and upon receipt of Division order No. 13, completed preparations for movement to Seventh Army area on following day.

January 23, 1945: At 0730 first elements of CT 320th as per Operations Memo #5 began movement from Metz, France, to 7th Army area. Last elements closed into new assembly area by 1600. Regimental CP opened at Bidestroff, France, at 1330 after displacement of 47 7/10 miles. At end of period 320th Infantry occupied positions in new assembly area as follows: First Battalion « Loudrefing; Second Battalion « Goubleng and Bourgaltroff; Third Battalion (- Co «L») « Benestroff; Company « L»« Vahl-les-Benestroff; Cannon Company « Domnom-les- Dieuze; Anti-tank Company « Cutting; Service Company, Company «C»of 110th Medical Bn, Medical Detachment, Company «C»of 60th Engineer Bn « Bidestroff; 216th FA Battalion « Vergaville. All units of the CT alerted for movement for relief of 274th Infantry Regiment of 70th Infantry Division as per Field Order #31.

January 24, 1945: Leading elements of CT 320 began crossing IP located at 340270 at 0730 hours. At 1330 hours regimental CP opened at Wingen after displacement of 39 7/10 miles. The relief of the 274th Infantry Regiment was completed at 2110 hours and full responsibility accepted by CO 320th Infantry for the sector at that time. Units of positions as follows: First Battalion at 748406 to 763385, Third Battalion 763385 South to 766379, thence East to 783377, Second Battalion (-Company «H») in regimental reserve in Wingen; Company H in Puberg. Regimental Train in Asswiller.

January 25, 1945: The regiment continued to occupy defensive positions as shown on previous day. The front line battalions continued active patrolling and improvement of defensive positions.

January 26, 1945: Company «H»moved from Puberg to Wingen-sur-Moder to rejoin Second Battalion. Other activities and dispositions same as previous day.

January 27, 1945: The Second Battalion relieved the First Battalion beginning at 1230 with the relief completed by 1800. First Battalion moved into reserve area formerly occupied by Second Battalion. Continued active patrolling by the front line units. Other dispositions same as previous day.

January 28, 1945: Second and Third Battalions continued active patrolling with small changes in defense lines to improve defensive positions. Bridge guards and security for regimental area provided by First Battalion. Demolitions and defensive works prepared by the attached engineers. January 29, 1945: The 179th Infantry of the 45th Infantry Division moved into the area to relieve the 320th Infantry. The relief was completed by 2300 and the regiment moved to assembly area as follows: First Battalion remained in Wingen; Second Battalion moved to assembly area in Asswiller; Third Battalion to assembly area in Lohr; Headquarters Company, Anti-tank Company, Cannon Company and Medical Detachment moved to assembly area in Petersbach. Service Company remained in Zittersheim. Regimental CP opened in Petersbach after displacement of 10 7/10 miles.

January 30, 1945: Division Movement Order No. 1, dated 292200 January 1945 directing movement to Ninth Army area delivered to Regimental CO at 0150. At 0200 CO issued to all units of the 320th Infantry Operations Memo No. 6 calling for movement by motor and rail to Ninth Army area. Leading elements of Motor column crossed IP at Durstel at 1330 and last elements closed in at St. Mihiel, France at 0115 (31 January). Other elements of the regiment en route by rail.

January 31, 1945: Leading elements of the motor column crossed IP at St. Mihiel, France, at 1215 and all elements of the motor column had closed into respective assembly area at 0410 (1 February) as follows: Second Battalion at La Planck, Belgium; Third Battalion and Headquarters and Headquarters Company at Mheer, Holland; Cannon Company at Fouron St. Martin, Belgium; Service Company at Hoogeruts, Holland; Anti-tank Company at Bergenhauzen, Holland; First Battalion at Noorbeek, Holland; other elements of the regiment enroute by rail. Regimental CP opened at 0315 (1 February) at Mheer, Holland, after total displacement distance from Petersbach of approximately 300 miles.

2. Casualties for this period Officers EM Total Killed in Action 4 13 17 Wounded in Action 17 353 370 Missing in Action 1 119 120 The following decorations have been recommended: 1 « Distinguished Service Cross 20 « Silver Star 31 « Bronze Star Total prisoners taken were 526. (Signature)


Colonel, 320th Infantry


Incl: Unit journals with supporting documents.

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