35th Infantry Division Memory

Pour ne jamais oublier...
Santa Fe
flagfr flagus


Official 35th Infantry Division Marching Song



Hail to thee, our SAN-TE FE
Fif-teen thou-sand strong--
We’re the men who will blaze the way,
Fight-ing all day long.

On the fields our fa-thers fought
For Peace and Li-ber-ty
Win the fight we must
For our cause is just,
Giv-ing all for De-moc-ra-cy.

Battle chorus

SHOUT IT , Dough-boy!
“we’re the fighting infantry!”
SHOUT IT, Red leg!
“We’re the Field Artillery!”
“We’re the Re-con’ Troop;” HEY
“We’re the Servi-e Group;” (Whistle)
“We’re the En-gin-eers,”
We all make up the SAN-TE FE! HEY SOLDIER!


Smash the foe, men, give them lead,
You’re the SAN-TE FE-
Drive them back as we march a-head,
On Old Glo-ry’s way.

Mass your might and let them know
They’ve met fight-ing men-
When the job’s all done,
And the battle's won,
SAN-TE FE’s the Victor a-gain.


Hell-on-Hudson and Pur-due,
Ne-bras-ka, No-tre Dame-
Kan-sas, Maine and Mis-sou-ri, too
To-geth-er we’re the same.

Cal-i-for-nia, here we come,
Al-a-bam-a a bound-
T-M-A- was tough
But we like it rough,
SANTA-FE is go-ing to town!


"35thInfantryDivision-memory.com" 2010-2025
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