35th Infantry Division Memory

For never forget...
Santa Fe
flagfr flagus

Memory Duty

The Cemeteries


Here are the American cemeteries in Europe, where soldiers of the 35th Infantry Division are buried..

For more information I invite you to visit the website of American Battle Monuments Commission http://www.abmc.gov/ .


AR Ardennes, Neupre, Belgium( loupeConsulter la liste )

BR Brittany, St James, France ( loupeConsulter la liste )

CA Cambridge, England ( loupeConsulter la liste )

EP Epinal, France ( loupeConsulter la liste )

HC Henri-Chapelle, Belgium ( loupeConsulter la liste )

LO Lorraine, St. Avold, France ( loupeConsulter la liste )

LX Luxembourg, Luxembourg ( loupeConsulter la liste )

NE Margraten, Netherlands ( loupeConsulter la liste )

NO Normandy, Colleville, France ( loupeConsulter la liste )

The Monuments


Here is the list of plaques and monuments dedicated to the courage and sacrifice of the men of the 35th Infantry Division.

This list is not complete, so if you know of a monument or plaque and / or if you have a photo of this one,
I invite you to contact me using the contact form.


  • La Meauffe (50)
    The monument is located in the center of the municipal cemetery, where you can also see the traces left by the fighting.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Le Mesnil Rouxelin (50)
    The stele is located at the intersection of Rue Saint Martin and Rue du Mesnil, opposite the Town Hall.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • St George Montcocq (50)
    The plate is located at the intersection of Rue de la Cabule and Rue de l'Eglise, apposed against the outer wall of the church building.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • St-Lô (50)
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.
    • La chapelle de La Madeleine, memory place of the 35th DI and 29th DI soldiers
    • Stele on the rampart at Saint Lô

  • Condé sur Vire (50)
    The monument is located along the Rue Saint-Martin, on the right wing of the church.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Torigni sur Vire (50)
    The stele is located at the intersection of Rue Havin and the path of Guinguette, before the Rescue Centre.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Giéville (50)
    The marker of freedom is located on the grounds of the City Hall, at the parking spaces.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Domjean(50)
    The plate is located at the entrance of the church, on the porch.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie pour la photo.

  • Guilberville (50)
    The memory space is located at the intersection of a place called "La ferme du bois."
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Pont Farcy (14)
    The stele is on the edge of Tessy Road, in the parking lot of City Hall.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Mortain (50)
    The plate is located at the end of a pedestrian route. Take the direction of "COTE 314" at the top, you are at the place called "La Croix Crespin." From the car park, take the trail and about 350m.
    Thank to Nicolas Georgie for the pictures.

  • Artenay (45)
    The monument is located along the N20 to the village entrance.
    Thank to Norbert Laigneau for the pictures.

  • Janville (45)
    The plate is located on the front of City Hall.
    Thank to Norbert Laigneau for the picture.

  • Armaucourt (54)
    The plate is located at the Armaucourt town church.
    Photo taken by the webmaster himself.
  • Agincourt (54)
    The monument is located on the D913 at the town entrance.
    Photo taken by the webmaster himself.
  • Flavigny sur Moselle (54)
    The monument is located on the D570 at the southern entrance of the bridge over the Moselle River.
    Photo taken by the webmaster himself.


Belgique :

  • Lutremange
    The Monument is located on the road between Lutremange and Villers-La-Bonne-Eau.
    Photo taken by the webmaster himself.

Luxembourg :

  • Weiswampach
    The Monument is located at the intersection of Gruuss Strooss and route 335, in the village Weiswampach. .

War Memoirs

After he arrived in Europe with the 35th Infantry Division, Murray Leff traded his cigarette ration for a 35mm camera.
By hiding that camera under his field jacket, Leff was able to carry it into battle to record some of the war's most heated fighting.
Photographs snapped while he crouched in a water-filled ditch show Leff's rifle squad burying their heads in mud as enemy shells come in.
Images show a supporting tank on its arrival and later, smoldering from a direct hit by German fire.
These and many more photographs are part of this memoir, which records Leff's World War II experiences from Gremercey Forest through the Battle of the Bulge, the Ruhr Pocket and the fall of Germany.
War memoirs written by Orval Eugene Faubus 320th Infantry.
WHAT AM I DOING HERE? by Dr. LeRoy Maleck O.D. is Book III and potentially the most moving of his life experiences.
This book contains the recollections of that time in life when a 22 year old army combat infantry medic was forced to rapidly mature and change forever.
The author's first person style and account clearly comes from being there. This book chronicles his entry into the army as seen by a new recruit.
The true account continues through basic training, continued training and the introduction to army life and situations that seem as a satire and have humorous moments.
Follow his journey with the 137th Infantry Regiment, aboard a troop ship to England.
Then in early July, D Day + 28 Days, his Regiment is on Omaha Beach.
Roughly 11 days later he, with his unit is engaged in something his training could not prepare him for, combat with a determined, entrenched enemy.
Follow the exploits of war through the eyes of a combat infantry medic who went through, survived, and helped others survive of some of the most brutal battles faced by the U.S. Army in World War II, Including the Northern France Campaign and the Battle of the Bulge.
In addition to an army combat medic's first person account of his participation in World War II, the author has included a sorry about a rather amazing four legged friend, Speed.
Speed was his Uncle Bill's dog, companion, and often hunting partner. In contrast to the War chronicles you may find this amazing heartwarming and just a great sorry about a truly amazing dog.
Marvin William "Bill" Golder served proudly as an ­artilleryman in the 35th Infantry Division, 320th ­Regiment Cannon Company.
While fighting in Europe he wrote letters home to his loved ones-particularly to his beloved wife Janet.
Faith In A Foxhole presents twenty-six of these letters, documenting the day-to-day life of an enlisted soldier and reflecting upon his thoughts and longings while overseas. Arranged by his granddaughter, this book also features a number of vintage photographs as we


Nicolas Georgie pay tribute to Private JULIAN S. GAMAUNT, HQ 2nd Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment.
Wounded in July 13th, 1944 during the hard combat of the castle of SAINT-GILLES in the South of LA MEAUFFE village, this 28-year-old soldier, would succumb from his wounds on a hospital bed on August 27th, 1944, is 45 days later. July 13th, 1944 was marked by the complete immobilization of the second battalion, owing of a constant artillery barrage from the German lines, entrenched in the thick bocage. At the end of this day, Private GAMAUNT was among the 87 injured of his regiment..
This young soldier, as thousands of others, had done more than the protection of our Freedom, because this one was at the cost of her life. For this, never forget..
August 27th, 1944 - August 27th, 2016
Following the discovery of the provisional tomb plate of Pfc Russell L. Cook , Co E, 2nd Bn, 134th Infantry Regiment, Vincent Besombes pay tribute to him through this honorific frame.
Russell Cook was killed on July 17 in the Saint Georges Montcoq.
He received the Silver Star and the Purple Heart Posthumously.

Silver Star Citation : The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Private First Class Russell L. Cook (ASN: 37070960), United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving with the 35th Infantry Division, in action in the **** Sector, Normandy, France, 17 July 1944. As a support platoon moved forward to protect the right flank of Company E, *** Infantry, which was advancing against stiff resistance, the platoon was pinned down by machine gun fire from a well-concealed emplacement. Private Cook voluntarily crawled a distance of some fifty yards in the direction of the enemy machine gun. Then, after signaling to his platoon sergeant to "watch me," stood upright and ran toward the enemy machine gun, which opened fire and killed him instantly. By his heroic self- sacrifice, Private Cook enabled his platoon sergeant to ascertain the exact position of the enemy emplacement, and it was thereupon destroyed by mortar fire. The gallantry in action on the part of Private Cook reflects the highest credit upon himself and the military service.

Then and Now

More than 65 years have passed since the end of the second World War. Over time witnesses disappear in plunging into oblivion events, people ... reasons.

By means of photographes who have captured moments of the history, we can remember everything that happened during those few years.

Looking at these pictures of the past and current period, you will see differently these places that you take every day and you will have a thought for all those men and women who fought for us.

Saint George Montcocq 18 Juillet 1944- 2023

(Photo taken by N.Georgie.)

Saint Lo en Juillet 1944
Saint Lo en Juillet 2023

Saint Lo 18 or 19 July 1944- 2023

(Photo taken by the webmaster himself.)

Saint Lo in July 1944
Saint Lo in 2023

Chateaudun - 16-17 Août 1944 - 2013

320th Infantry Regiment

( Thank you to Norbert Laigneau for the pictures of Chateaudun in 2013.)

hotel on the place of "18 Octobre" in August 1944
hotel on the place of "18 Octobre" in 2013
Fountain on the place of "18 octobre" in August 1944.
Fontain sur la place du 18 octobre in 2013.
Place of "18 octobre" seen since the "Jean Moulin" street in August 1944.
Place of "18 octobre" seen since the "Jean Moulin" street in 2013.
City Hall seen since the place of "18 Otobre" in August 1944.
City Hall seen since the place of "18 Otobre" in 2013.
Building on the left of the City Hall seen since the place of "18 Octobre" in August 1944.
Building on the left of the City Hall seen since the place of "18 Octobre" in 2013.
WW1 Memorial in August 1944.
WW1 Memorial in 2013.

Janville - 18 Août 1944 - 2012

320th Infantry Regiment

( Thank you to Norbert Laigneau for the pictures of Janville in 2012.)

Place du Martroi in August 1944
Place du Martroi in 2012
Rue du Château in August 1944.
Rue du Château in 2012.
Rue du Château in August 1944.
Rue du Château in 2012.

Nancy - 15 Septembre 1944 - 2024

134th Infantry Regiment

(Photo taken by the webmaster himself.)

Place Stanislas in September 1944
Place Stanislas in September in 2024
Place Stanislas, porte Here in September 1944.
Place Stanislas, porte Here in 2024
Rue des Dominicains in September 1944.
Rue des Dominicains in 2024.

Associations of memories

  • Normandie
    35th Santa Fe Division In Normandy
    Founded in November 2000, the purpose of the "35th SANTA FE DIVISION IN NORMANDY" is the protection of the historical inheritance of this unit. Since its foundation, the Association has conducted research and visited various sites in Normandy where the 35th Division engaged in battle. Any veteran of the unit wishing to come to Normandy can contact the Association at the following address:
    35th SANTA FE DIVISION IN NORMANDY - mairie de Gieville - 50160 GIEVILLE
  • Lorraine
    Espace de Mémoire Lorraine 1939 - 1945
    Inaugurated in 2011, the Space Lorraine Memory, located 10bis Avenue Jacques Leclerc, near the train station of VEZELISE, present a permanent exhibition devoted to the Second World War in Lorraine.

"35thInfantryDivision-memory.com" 2010-2024
The contents of this site and the images belong to their respective owners.